Our team of skilled employees ensure that every step in production meets the highest standards. We attach great importance to compliance with environmental and occupational safety regulations as well as the use of sustainable raw materials and environmentally friendly production processes. The training and further education of our employees is also important to us in order to always be up to date with the latest technology and quality standards.

In order to further increase the quality of our products, we continuously invest in modern technologies and improve our processes. We always have the needs of our customers in mind. We want to ensure that our products meet the highest standards and meet the individual requirements of our customers. With our comprehensive quality management, we ensure that we meet these requirements and that our customers are always satisfied with our products.


In the production of our high-quality wood products, we attach great importance to resource-efficient and environmentally friendly production processes. For this reason, we only use state-of-the-art systems in our plants. This enables us to ensure the high quality and dimensional accuracy of our products.

Thanks to the latest computer-controlled chipper line technology, we produce quality wood at the highest level. We also set a high standard in the planing mill in order to guarantee our customers consistent quality.

In order to ensure that our sawn timber is optimally dried, we have sufficient capacities in drying systems. The wood is dried slowly and evenly to achieve the best possible quality. With this claim to quality and sustainability, we want to satisfy our customers and contribute to the responsible use of wood as a resource.


At ROBETA HOLZ OHG we can process all types of softwood – regardless of whether it is large or small wood, long or short wood. Every day, 40 to 50 truckloads of logs from regional sources arrive at our site, which we measure electronically to ensure the quality of the end products.

After the logs have been unloaded, the first step is debarking before the wood goes to the appropriate cutting lines. The cutting pattern is calculated and optimized to achieve maximum wood yield. Other ranges are processed into standard solutions.

Our computer-controlled combination of chippers and vertical band saws cut the logs with the utmost precision. In principle, all cutting patterns are possible – whether sharp or cross-cut, we have the right saws and chippers for every requirement.

Um die Qualität unserer Produkte weiter zu steigern, hat die ROBETA HOLZ OHG umfangreich in moderne Anlagen investiert. Mit diesen können wir nun Tauch- und Kesseldruckimprägnierung auf höchstem Niveau durchführen. Besonders die von uns verarbeitete Kiefer lässt sich sehr gut imprägnieren und eignet sich später hervorragend als Bauholz.

Durch unsere spezielle Trocknungstechnik wird das Holz ohne chemische Behandlung gegen Insekten- und Pilzbefall widerstandsfähig gemacht. Dadurch wird es nicht nur leichter zu bearbeiten und zu behandeln, sondern auch länger haltbar. Unsere moderne Trocknungsanlage, die mit einem Biomasseheizkraftwerk betrieben wird, sowie unsere leistungsstarke Hobellinie ermöglichen es uns, noch stärker auf die Wünsche unserer Kunden einzugehen.